What do we do?

Architects advise on property design and development.

we help you buy a house

Looking into what your property could be - how and what could you build?

we advise on rules of thumb when renovating property

we help you build / renovate

We help you to know what to do with your house, how to renovate and make it look and function better.

We modify your builders plan so that you can stick to your budget and make the house look better at the same time.

we help you invest in property

Architects look for opportunities to increase yield & value of your property investments - all while making your tenants lives better.

Property Developers rely on advice from an architect - why shouldn’t you?

Why use Assess That Address?

So you don’t buy a lemon.


Due diligence is so important. If you ever plan to renovate, you need to know what’s possible before you buy.

Once you own the property, it’s too late. 

There are so many rules and regulations about what you can and can’t do when altering a home - architects train for years to navigate the system!

For example;

 - Heritage conservation areas may mean that you can’t modify the external fabric - even to choose your own paint!

- Bushfire prone areas mean that you can’t construct in the materials you’d have wanted to - or maybe can’t construct at all!

- Flood prone areas aren’t always by the sea or a lake, developers sometimes build on flat inland wetlands. You could be in a flood zone and you’d have no idea… until you tried to get your insurance!

Every developer does this assessment - but until now, nobody has offered the same tools to homebuyers. 

You might find an incredible opportunity.


There are some sites with incredible untapped potential!

You could be the only person in the room who knows your site’s true value.

For example;

- Some sites can be subdivided in two - meaning that you buy one piece of land and end up with two!

- Some apartments are poorly planned with a tonne of additional area - a few changes to the floor-plan could yield an extra bedroom - making the place so much more valuable.

- Some places are perfectly situated for holiday rental - with a few tweaks, you could pay off your mortgage WAY faster.

- Maybe an extra storey or attic conversion could get you ocean views!

We can identify those opportunities, and connect you to the people who could make it happen.

Long term security.


The property market is proving itself to be volatile - rapid growth of up to 15% in a year is pretty great for some homeowners, but what if it went the other way? When you’re investing your future in a home, it’s important to know that you wont be forced to live in a property that doesn’t meet your needs in a market where it would be unfavourable to sell. Buying a property that you know can adapt to your needs if/when you need it to, can give you the security you need ... even if the market isn’t looking quite as great as it did when you bought it.

Control the risks you can.

Take small steps before you commit to build or buy.


Hiring an Architect on your build is typically $10-15,000. Hiring a planner can cost $14,000. Buying a house …. well that’s hundreds of thousands of dollars (if you’re lucky!)


Why not test the water first - Assess That Address is a fraction of these costs. It’s a small step, which could save you thousands of dollars. Together, we can do the groundwork and assess the feasibility of your ideas so you know your options.

We can point you in the right direction to give you the right strategy


When you’re ready to take the plunge - we can connect you to the right people, or take on your project ourselves (the original reporting cost even gets rolled into your next stage - as if it was free)

We will do the groundwork and test feasibility F I R S T.

Get connected to the right people.


Assess That Address is connected to a network of specialists who can provide incredible service - people we trust.

We can find you the right person for the right job to make sure you only pay for the things you need, when you need them.

We take our recommendations for products and services very seriously.

We will make sure that you’re paying the right price.

Sustainability advisory

Make your home beautiful & comfortable.


You’re building a legacy. Assess That Address specialises in sustainable product recommendations and passive solar design. We find ways to cut the CO2 footprint of your build and make a home that is comfortable throughout the year without the need for air conditioning. We do everything possible to take advantage of solar orientation which not only means that you can add some solar panels to your roof, but that your home becomes more beautiful, drenched in natural sun light.

The bottom line is that building sustainably usually saves you money in the long term (and often in the short term too) the construction industry is the worlds 3rd largest emitter. You can be a part of the solution and make your home more beautiful in the process. It’s a win/win.

We work with everyone, anywhere!


Wether you’re buying an apartment, house or an empty lot - we want to work with you!

Wether you’re wanting to buy, build or renovate - we want to work with you!

We also want to partner with industry professionals we trust, so please get in touch.

Architects near me

Our assessment can be fully remote - so you can get the highest standard of advice from literally anywhere in the country including in remote areas, rural communities, on a farm in a national park - literally anywhere with a phone or internet connection.

We can meet you and help you no matter where you are.

Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell build or renovate.