Home Buyers

Get Assess That Address to review a property before you buy to assess risks + renovation opportunities.

How we can Help.


See potential others don’t

What if there was space in that apartment floor plan to add an extra bedroom? What if you could add a balcony or pergola and open up a whole new outdoor room? An architect can look over the plan and see these opportunities to add or enhance space immediately.

Learn about planning controls

These complex controls can be an opportunity or a risk on a property you’re looking at. You invest in building and pest inspections - this overview of the planning legislation is basic due diligence undertaken by every developer and major investor. So many people have bought land poorly zoned and wasted tens of thousands of dollars.

Don’t buy land without knowing

So many people buy with the dream of renovating or building new. The planning system is complex - so what you want is not always possible. This is critical to know before you purchase.

Learn what to look for in a home from Assess That Address.

Assess That Address gives you the strategic design advice you need, when you need it most - BEFORE you buy.

This report is due diligence prior to purchase. It covers;

✓ Ideas for how the plan can be modified to suit your needs,

✓ Relevant Council development guidelines,

✓ Advice on complexities including heritage areas, fire prone land, flood prone areas, landslip etc.

✓ Solar orientation of the lot (critical for comfort, longevity and beauty of any future build),

✓ Verify claims made by your agent about the property,

✓ We can help you find a place which has the potential to grow with your family!