Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

An architect can reduce the cost of your build, and increase the value of your property.


I’m here to help!

“For us, buying property is one of the biggest decisions of our lives. In choosing a property, Emma supported us to make an informed choice which will give us options in the long term, even though we wont build for several years. 

Emma was a great support and an absolute pleasure to work with – friendly, professional and responsive. She shared our excitement about the property and genuinely cared about what it could all mean for our future. I highly recommend Emma’s services to others in a similar position.”

Ishbel and Josh, Proud New Homeowners!

Architects advice before you buy or build.

Assess That Address Advice from an Architect before you buy sell build or renovate

Imagine having an architect on call while you inspect

To answer your design and development questions


or adding a creative flourish to your floor plans

before you commit to build

Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

We’ll help you do your homework,

to see if the property you’re looking at can grow with your family.

With suggestions on how to make your project more sustainable

So that you can build your legacy the right way.

Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

We’ll set your project in the right direction,

by assessing more design possibilities before settling on an answer, and highlighting potential risks before they cause you trouble.

Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

to navigate the approvals process

making any future renovations, or building approval processes slightly more smooth.


& Develop a Strategy,

so that you can get the most out of your investment.

Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

Developers have always done this kind of assessment.

Why shouldn’t you have access to those tools! Feasibility assessment gives you the power to make better decisions and test more options and opportunities.

Here to help you thrive - Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

Our Architects are here to help you thrive

Emma has designed over 300 homes and a couple of skyscrapers for developers in her time in the corporate world. Now she’s bringing that expertise to everyone.

  • Emma can help you buy or build a home - understanding how it can be developed or renovated (and understand your flood risk, fire risk and landslip hazards to help you buy a more resilient and safe home)

  • An architect can help you to understand complex property decisions, and genuinely support you through difficult choices.

  • Emma is an expert on sustainable construction to help you align your values with your build.

  • Professional advice saves tens of thousands of dollars in construction costs and delays by mitigating potential issues before they arise, and by creating efficiency so that you’re not overcapitalising.

ATA often work with existing plans drafted by builders or draughts-people to elevate the standard and cut out wasted space saving time and focussing your budget onto the things that actually make your home beautiful. This reduces your footprint - lowering the embodied energy and cost of your build - while making it even more beautiful. Not only does this service adds significant beauty and value, it pays for itself in construction cost reductions.

The Property Cycle - Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

What we Offer

Option 1 Feasibility Assessment

Option 2 Assessment Partnership

Option 3 Sketch Design

These three products are designed to cater to different needs,

if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for, we can develop a brief together

Feasibility Report for Property - Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

Option 1 - $700/Report + GST

Feasibility Report

Includes preliminary assessment of your sites development and design potential, and an outline of the approval process so you understand what hurdles you’ll need to overcome through the process.

Design Potential;

  • An outline of the design and construction process and the consultants you may need to engage with to get your ideas built.

  • Key questions for your consultant team specific to your site - so that you get the most out of them.

  • Outline opportunities for furniture, interior design services, or landscaping services.

  • Benchmarking of beautiful properties in that typology to inspire your creative process and get you excited about the house, and what you could do with it.

Development Feasibility;

Site Assessment + Developable envelope based on Council LEP and DCP to answer;

  • Would it be allowable under the code to put on an additional story?

  • Is the floor area large enough that you may be able to add additional bedrooms?

  • Are you in a risk area identified by council?

  • A summary of the site’s DA development history - how successful have they been in the past at getting projects approved by council?

  • Is the site going to be too hot, cold, windy or damp?

  • An assessment of the solar potential of the roof area.

  • What’s your “Walk Score”, is there access to schools, universities, public transport, parks, shops, restaurants?

  • What would your journey to work look like?

The DA process always carries risks and approval can never be guaranteed. This will give you understanding and a preliminary insight into you whether your ideas are more or less likely to be refused by council in future applications.

feasibility assessment, test ideas, partner with an architect - Assess That Address - Advice from an Architect before you buy, sell, build or renovate

Option 2 - $2,000 + GST Consultancy for up to 3 months

Assessment Partnership

Includes consulting with an architect through your house hunting process.

We will provide;

Up to 5 Feasibility Reports

  • So that you can assess your options carefully.

A development strategy 

  • What council controls will give you the most flexibility to make additions in the future?

An Architect on call as you inspect. 

  • Consultation provides the opportunity to ask the architect questions about potential opportunities you can see in any house you’re looking at, questions like; “Can I build a deck?” “Turn this kitchen into another bedroom?” “Make this two bathrooms?” or “Put a skylight in this roof?” and “What’s my next step to get this approved, assessed by an engineer and built”

  • More assessment will be required before approval - but on some sites, it’s easy to see that council will refuse certain modifications. It’s better to know this first!

+ Analysis with Depth

  • When we work with you further, we can tailor each report to your specific needs and requirements giving you more depth of analysis in your areas of interest.

Sketch Plan - Assess Feasibility before you buy sell build or renovate - Assess That Address

Option 3 - $3000 / Plan + GST

Sketch Floor Plan

Have an Architect review your floor plan to make it more efficient, beautiful, and healthy.

  • No matter who has designed your plan, we can review and find opportunities to improve your space. This is a great way to spot missed opportunities before it’s too late. This service is not only critical before you sign off on your design with a builder, but it’s also the best first step for renovating an existing home.

  • Most floor plans drawn by a draughtsman or builder are simply inefficient. You’re missing opportunities on your site that an architect can rapidly identify.

  • A few small tweaks can make a huge difference to the quality of your home. This sketch floor plan is a quick look at the best ways to renovate or change a space, we can generate iterations of the plan to give you the best opportunities the site has to offer.

  • You can take this sketch plan to a builder to get a ballpark estimate on costing. This way you have a good idea of how much your idea will cost BEFORE you actually commit to a construction contract.

  • It’s not a finished design - just something to help you feel out the process and get the ball rolling.

    It will pay for itself!

  • The small expense of checking your plan usually pays for itself in one of four ways:

    1. More efficient design costs less and looks better,

    2. Better recommendations for materials,

    3. Reduce running costs with an energy efficient home.

    4. A more beautiful home generally has higher resale value.

    Renovation Support

  • We will provide you with guidance and support as you take your project through the next phases. We explain the construction and approvals process so that you know what to expect and how to make better decisions.

What people are saying.


“Simply delightful to work with and what a talent! I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the process with Emma. I felt she listened and was so intuitive with her designs and finishes. Emma is an obvious choice, particularly for her exceptional professionalism and beautiful creative eye.”

Janine, Empowered Home Renovator building her family home!

Let’s kickstart your project!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.